Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Liked on YouTube: Boy eats dog poop, dad beats up innocent dog as revenge - TomoNews

Boy eats dog poop, dad beats up innocent dog as revenge - TomoNews
BRADENTON, FLORIDA — A man is facing charges of animal abuse for beating up his girlfriend’s dog, Prince, when he found his 18-month-old child mowin down on an unsavory meal. Arrested on April 4, Anthony Kidd told police he’d walked in on his young son eating the dog’s feces. In a fit of rage, he claims he grabbed little Prince by the back of his neck and threw him out the back door. That doesn’t exactly explain the dog’s broken tooth, bloody nose, and swollen eye, though. When Kidd’s girlfriend took the pooch to emergency, she was told the Prince’s wounds indicate blunt-force trauma, from being hit or kicked. The dog beater has since pled no contest to one felony count of animal abuse, and is banned from having any contact with animals. Meanwhile, Prince has since recovered from his injuries, and has been returned to his momma. ----------------------------------------­--------------------- Welcome to TomoNews, where we animate the most entertaining news on the internets. Come here for an animated look at viral headlines, US news, celebrity gossip, salacious scandals, dumb criminals and much more! Subscribe now for daily news animations that will knock your socks off. Visit our official website for all the latest, uncensored videos: Check out our Android app: Check out our iOS app: Get top stories delivered to your inbox everyday: See a story that should be animated? Tell us about it! Suggest a story here: Stay connected with us here: Facebook Twitter @tomonewsus Google+ Instagram @tomonewsus
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