Friday, August 25, 2017

Liked on YouTube: Love & Peace ONDO(ラブ&ピース音頭)/PIKOTARO(ピコ太郎)

Love & Peace ONDO(ラブ&ピース音頭)/PIKOTARO(ピコ太郎)
PIKOTARO Twitter Now available digitally worldwide!!(全世界配信中!) Official Web Site Japanese "BON ODORI" to the world! "BON ODORI " (= Bon Festival Dancing) is the Japanese traditional folk dance performed during the Bon season and it has been one of Kosaka Daimaou's dreams to combine "Japanese Traditional Festival" and "DANCE MUSIC"! Meaning....this is the utmost combination of two (you say "Un!" in PPAP way), "BON-DANCE MUSIC". Also, for the dance part, this was the first time for PIKOTARO to work with two choreographer stars, one is Kaoru-sensei, who did choreographs for Samishii Nettaigyo for Wink, Pocky Dance, TV commercial for Takemoto Piano, and the other one is Kotei Sennin who is the world popular animation dancer, famous for his robot dance, and meaning we did "Uh!" and made this "ROBOT DANCE"! As some of you've already seen "SUMMER SONIC ONDO" we just introduced for Summer Sonic 2017, this is the final destination !! Make a circle, take hands and dance each other... Everytime and everywhere... LOVE & PEACE! This is PIKOTARO's first ever long-lenghth MV (even though, obviously shooter than others..) and we are extremely happy to finally introduce this to the world !! Hope you can enjoy as we love! 日本の盆踊りを世界へ!古坂大魔王悲願の「祭り」+「DANCE MUSIC」! …つまりその2つをPPAP的に「Un!」した「BON-DANCE MUSIC」の最終系! 更に、初の振付師の方とピコ太郎とのダブルコラボ! Wink「淋しい熱帯魚」やポッキーダンス、タケモトピアノCMなどの振付を行った「香瑠鼓(かおるこ)」先生と ロボットのような踊りでお馴染みの 世界的アニメーションダンサー 「黄帝心仙人(こうていせんにん)」さんも「Un!」しました!つまり…ロボンダンス! 先日発表したサマソニ音頭はここに終結する! 輪になり手を取り踊り踊れば… いつも何処でも… LOVE&PEACE! ピコ太郎初の長編(って言っても…普通より短いですが…)MV! 満を持して世界大公開だ!! 気合いの一撃を是非!
via YouTube

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