Sunday, August 27, 2017

Liked on YouTube: Manny- A Brilliant Stop Motion

Manny- A Brilliant Stop Motion
"Manny" is a brilliant Stop Motion Animation Created By Adam Rosenberg. It pays some pretty obvious tributes to David Firth's "Crooked Rot", but has a totally different message. I recently spoke with David Firth about "Manny" in relation to Crooked Rot, and it turns out he is totally fine with "Manny" and my previous impression that he was upset with it was simply a misunderstanding and un-true. I Reposted this a few years ago to Increase the VIEWERSHIP. It has gone from under 300 views to almost 230,000 in just 3 years. It has become a fan favorite for those who follow stop-motion animation. Adam has a youtube channel full of lots of other videos as well, so ladies and gentlemen Below is the link to Adam Rosenberg's Youtube Channel.
via YouTube

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